PROJECT TITLED: “Strengthen capacity of Local Peace Huts
to prevent and address conflict, implementation of sustainability plan and rehabilitation of targeted infrastructures”
Since 2009, UN Women has been supporting community women by setting up Peace Huts across the country with the aim of encouraging the agency of women in peace building and social cohesion. The Peace Huts mechanism has proven to be a worthy agent of change and a major actor in the promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment.
Also in 2018, this women-led network transformed into a formal platform for the advancement of peace-building and women’s rights initiatives at the community level. UN Women is pleased that the Peace Huts is now a registered Community Based Organization (CBO) with its own constitution, elected governing board and more importantly with its own sustainability plan. Moreover, it forms a solid part of the peace infrastructure at the local level in Liberia.
Over the years, UN Women has acknowledged that the Peace Huts have served as a significant and reliable mechanism for promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment and recognizes their invaluable contributions in the promotion of social cohesion and peace. Over the past nine years, UN Women has provided support to the Peace Huts in different areas including capacity building on mediation, conflict resolution, women’s rights, prevention of SGGBV, response to emergencies like outbreak of Ebola, business and literacy skills including access to finance, etc.
The on-going project, which is also supported by UN women, is gear towards again capacitating the Peace hut women to be economically empowered in acquiring a business skill as a means of managing businesses of their own that will enable them to be self –sufficient economically, in sustaining their peace huts with or without the support from UN Women or any UN agency.
On this backdrop, UN Women, under this project, hired a business skill consultant who has provided a four(4) days capacity business skills development training with seventh(7) peace huts leadership members, three(3) members from each peace huts, gathered in Totota, Bong County, form December 5-9
- Group photos of participants posted for a photograph during the Business Development Training Totota-, Bong County Dec. 5-8, 2022
- Group photos of participants posted for a photograph during the Business Development Training Totota-, Bong County Dec. 5-8, 2022